Results for 'Jee-hee Vivian Pyeun'

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  1.  16
    Spinach and frogs may be more related than you think: how priming can affect recall of weakly related word lists.Jee-hee Vivian Pyeun & Mitchell Longstaff - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    A collective essay on the Korean philosophy of education: Korean voices from its traditional thoughts on education.Duck-Joo Kwak, Keumjoong Hwang, Chang-ho Shin, Gyeong-sik An, Woojin Lee, Jeong-Gil Woo, Jee Hyeon Kim, Chunho Shin, Hee-Bong Kim, Jina Bhang, Jun Yamana & Roland Reichenbach - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (1):7-19.
    Since the Korean Philosophy of Education Society was established in 1964, the question regarding the nature of Philosophy of Education as a modern discipline has always been a vexing question to mo...
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    Nurses’ perception of ethical climate, medical error experience and intent-to-leave.Jee-In Hwang & Hyeoun-Ae Park - 2014 - Nursing Ethics 21 (1):28-42.
    We examined nurses’ perceptions of the ethical climate of their workplace and the relationships among the perceptions, medical error experience and intent to leave through a cross-sectional survey of 1826 nurses in 33 Korean public hospitals. Ethical climate was measured using the Hospital Ethical Climate Survey. Although the sampled nurses perceived their workplace ethical climate positively, 19% reported making at least one medical error during the previous year, and 25% intended to leave their jobs in the near future. Controlling for (...)
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    Developing Measurement Scales of Organizational and Issue Legitimacy: A Case of Direct-to-Consumer Advertising in the Pharmaceutical Industry.Jee Young Chung, Bruce K. Berger & Jamie DeCoster - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 137 (2):405-413.
    The purpose of this paper is to explore the concepts of issue legitimacy and organizational legitimacy, providing a new measure of each construct. The scales were developed and tested using data collected through a statewide survey of Alabama residents. Assessments of issue legitimacy were based on perceptions of direct-to-consumer advertising, whereas assessments of organizational legitimacy were based on perceptions of the pharmaceutical industry as a whole. The findings provide evidence that organizational legitimacy can be reliably measured using a five-item scale (...)
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  5. Theory of mind and the unobservability of other minds.Vivian Bohl & Nivedita Gangopadhyay - 2014 - Philosophical Explorations 17 (2):203-222.
    The theory of mind (ToM) framework has been criticised by emerging alternative accounts. Each alternative begins with the accusation that ToM's validity as a research paradigm rests on the assumption of the ‘unobservability’ of other minds. We argue that the critics' discussion of the unobservability assumption (UA) targets a straw man. We discuss metaphysical, phenomenological, epistemological, and psychological readings of UA and demonstrate that it is not the case that ToM assumes the metaphysical, phenomenological, or epistemological claims. However, ToM supports (...)
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  6. We read minds to shape relationships.Vivian Bohl - 2015 - Philosophical Psychology 28 (5):674-694.
    Mindreading is often considered to be the most important human social cognitive skill, and over the past three decades, several theories of the cognitive mechanisms for mindreading have been proposed. But why do we read minds? According to the standard view, we attribute mental states to individuals to predict and explain their behavior. I argue that the standard view is too general to capture the distinctive function of mindreading, and that it does not explain what motivates people to read minds. (...)
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    완적(阮籍): 전환기 지식인의 자아분열과 봉합.Kim Baeg-Hee - 2012 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 65:229-254.
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    Spinoza's ethics in his Ethics.Hee Soon Byun - 2010 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (76):283-303.
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    The Principle of Nature and the Natural Law of Confucianism.Hee Kwon Chin - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 40:221-226.
    In 'Yeogi (禮記)', the Chinese scriptures of Confucianism, they recoded the solar calendar of modern viewpoints. According to the ancient document, the 24 solar terms was one of seasonal divisions in a year. The regularly change of the four seasons play an important part in the national economic project. For a national economy depended on agriculture in East Asia of ancient times, the administration to pay no regard to the change of the season was directly connected to the fall of (...)
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    Aristotle on Thumos and Phantasia.Vivian Feldblyum - 2016 - Ithaque 18:1-23.
    What is Aristotle’s conception of thumos? This question can be broken down into two separate but related questions: what is the object of desire for thumos, and in which faculty of the soul is thumos grounded? The latter question is the focus of this paper. In this paper, “grounded in” is to be taken physiologically; the second question can be rephrased as “Which faculty of the soul is thumos a function of?” As a general rule Aristotle employs both a colloquial (...)
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    Harald Fischer‐Tiné , Pidgin‐Knowledge. Wissen und Kolonialismus, (Perspektiven der Wissensgeschichte) Zürich/Berlin: diaphanes 2013.Nadin Heé - 2015 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 38 (1):92-93.
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    A Comparative Study on Tasan Jeong Yag-yeong and Japanese Kogakuha (古學派).Chung Jee-uk - 2016 - Journal of Eastern Philosophy 88:35-61.
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    Deficits in Processing Case Markers in Individuals with Aphasia.Sung Jee Eun, Jeong Kwi Hyun, Sim Yeo Reum, Lee Soo Eun & Mo Kyeong Ok - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    왕심재의 사도론(師道論).Chung Jee-uk - 2008 - Journal of Eastern Philosophy 55:429-455.
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    Rational autonomy, morality and education.L. E. E. Jee-hun & Colin Wringe - 1993 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 27 (1):69–78.
    Some traditional assumptions regarding rational autonomy are examined and criticised. The exclusion of subjective considerations from autonomous choice is shown to be unjustified, as are attempts to identlfji autonomy with morally desirable conduct. Unexpected implications of these conclusions for education and certain other social institutions are also indicated.
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    Five ghazals.Jee Leong Koh - 2010 - Common Knowledge 16 (3):566-570.
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  17. Chŏng Yakyong (1762-1836) and Yi Kigyŏng (1756-1819): A Contentious Friendship.Jee Hyun Noe - forthcoming - Diogenes:1-14.
    This paper examines the friendship between Chŏng Yakyong and Yi Kigyŏng and its evolution. Their friendship rested on many commonalities: they both passed the doctorate competition together successfully in 1789, they belonged to the same political faction, the Namin, they were both officials at the court of King Chŏngjo in Chosŏn Korea, and both had important roles and contributions in this period of great socio-political, religious, cultural, and intellectual transformations. Being interested in different areas of knowedge from the West that (...)
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    Historical Materialism in the Research of Benjamin on Baudelaire.Jee Yong Park - 2018 - EPOCH AND PHILOSOPHY 29 (4):133-160.
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    The Problem of French Revolution in Kant's Philosophy of History.Jee Yong Park - 2019 - EPOCH AND PHILOSOPHY 30 (1):107-139.
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    O problema da fundamentação da moral e a ética feminista.Viviane Magalhães Pereira - 2020 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 65 (1):e36862.
    Este artigo tem como tema o problema filosófico da fundamentação da moral com o objetivo de apresentar o sentido e a validade de uma ética feminista. Parte-se da hipótese de que uma ética feminista se distinguiria das éticas antigas e apresentaria uma alternativa adequada ao problema da fundamentação da moral, bem como dos conflitos morais atuais, em especial, pelo tipo de solução que propõe, a qual segue uma lógica construída mediante uma práxis humana determinada. Em outros termos, o objetivo deste (...)
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    Mechanism and Poincaré’s Critiques on Classical Mechanics.Jee Sun Rhee - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 43:171-177.
    Mechanism is a conception of the world according to which all can be explained by mechanics expressed by its fundamental concepts and principles. I’ll firstly show that, following Poincaré’s discussion on mechanical explanation, the very foundation of classical mechanics implicates that all just can’t be explained. Next, I’ll discuss the principles of mechanics as they are viewed by Poincaré, especially the principle of relativity that has a particularity in its form of “pseudo-universal”argument, as well as in its fundamental role for (...)
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    “Mattering” Matter and Meaning: A Preliminary Study on Karen Barad's Agential Realism.Jee-sun Rhee - 2021 - EPOCH AND PHILOSOPHY 32 (1):233-260.
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  23. Os livros das normalistas: os manuais pedagógicos na história da formação dos professores no Brasil (1930-1971).Vivian Batista da Silva - 2008 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 10 (1).
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    Emergence of Community‐Associated Methicillin‐Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Strains as a Cause of Healthcare‐Associated Bloodstream Infections in Korea.M. D. Sun Hee Park, Chulmin Park, Jin-Hong Yoo, Su-Mi Choi, Jung-Hyun Choi, Hyun-Ho Shin, Dong-Gun Lee, Seungok Lee, JaYoung Kim & So Eun Choi - 2009 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 30 (2):146-155.
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  25. Basic and Non-Basic Actions: 'Same' or 'Different'?Vivian M. Weil & Irving Thalberg - 1980 - Analysis 41 (1):12 - 17.
  26.  8
    De Confucius à Qu Yan [sic]: humanisme, courage et poésie chez les lettrés chinois: essai.Edith Wong-Hee-Kamm - 2006 - Sainte-Marie, Île de la Réunion: Azalées éditions.
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    The price effect of hospital closures.Vivian Y. Wu - 2008 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 45 (3):280-292.
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    Ethics of Scientific Research.Vivian Weil - 1996 - Noûs 30 (1):133-143.
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    Systematicity in language and the fast and slow creation of writing systems: Understanding two types of non-arbitrary relations between orthographic characters and their canonical pronunciation.Hana Jee, Monica Tamariz & Richard Shillcock - 2022 - Cognition 226 (C):105197.
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  30. Sniff, smell, and stuff.Vivian Mizrahi - 2014 - Philosophical Studies 171 (2):233-250.
    Most philosophers consider olfactory experiences to be very poor in comparison to other sense modalities. And because olfactory experiences seem to lack the spatial content necessary to object perception, philosophers tend to maintain that smell is purely sensational or abstract. I argue in this paper that the apparent poverty and spatial indeterminateness of odor experiences does not reflect the “subjective” or “abstract” nature of smell, but only that smell is not directed to particular things. According to the view defended in (...)
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    Harmony and Distress: Humor, Culture, and Psychological Well-Being in South Korean Organizations.Hee Sun Kim & Barbara A. Plester - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Humor is a contextual phenomenon that exists in all societies, although the impact of humor may differ across different cultures. The data for this research was collected using an ethnographic approach, incorporating participant observation and semi-structured interviews. Based in three different South Korean organizations, this research offered the opportunity to interact in depth with workers of varying ages, genders, hierarchical levels, and organizational roles. Observations were complimented by 46 in-depth interviews and ad hoc follow-up discussions. This paper adopts a Confucian (...)
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    Maurice Merleau-Ponty.Vivian Bohl - 2009 - In Annus Epp, 20. sajandi mõttevoolud. University of Tartu Press. pp. 263-286.
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  33. St. Thomas Aquinas.Vivian Boland - 2007 - New York: Continuum.
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    Characteristics of the Philosophies of Liu Zongyuan; a Comparative Study using the Philosophies of Xun Zi.Kim Geong Hee - 2017 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 85:167-184.
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    Vrijheid en verantwoordelijkheid: Waarom Frankfurt geen gelijk heeft en Sartre bijna.van Martin Hees - 2013 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 105 (4):210-227.
    This paper argues that the philosophical analysis of moral responsibility would benefit from focusing more on the social freedom of individuals. In a critique of Frankfurt, it is argued that an individual only is responsible for the consequences of her action if she had the opportunity not be responsible for them. The resulting theory of moral responsibility is applied to the analysis of collective decision processes, and in particular to political decision making. The main conclusion is that, though we do (...)
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    Effects of verb-argument cues on verb production in persons with aphasia using a verb-final language.Sung Jee Eun, Kwag Eunjung, Choi Soojin, Tak Hyein & Kim Jeein - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    Neuroticism as Mediator and Moderator Between War Atrocities and Psychopathology in Syrian Refugee Children and Adolescents.Vivian Khamis - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundDespite the extensive research on war atrocities and risk factors for psychopathology, there is a paucity of research on the potential mediating and moderating effect of neuroticism in refugee children and adolescents.ObjectiveThis study aimed to analyze whether neuroticism mediated and/or moderated the relationship between war atrocities and different types of psychopathology in Syrian refugee children and adolescents who resettled in Lebanon and Jordan.Participants and SettingParticipants were 1,000 Syrian refugee children and adolescents of both sexes.MethodsQuestionnaires were administered in an interview format (...)
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    Equality as an Evaluation of Social Relations.Hee-Kang Kim - 2006 - Public Affairs Quarterly 20 (4):313-328.
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    Incorporating coordination dynamics into an evolutionarily grounded science of intentional change.Viviane Kostrubiec & J. A. Scott Kelso - 2014 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 37 (4):428-429.
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    Cherish the Present.Vivian Wai-Ling Lee - 2002 - Chinese Studies in History 36 (1):78-80.
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    Cutting words: polemical dimensions of Galen’s anatomical experiments. Studies in Ancient Medicine 55: by Luis Alejandro Salas, Leiden and Boston, Brill, 2020, x + 328 pp., €119.00 (Hardback); $143.00, ISBN 978-90-04-43918-4.Vivian Nutton - 2021 - Annals of Science 78 (2):248-250.
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    Augmented Reality for Speech Language Intervention in Autism Spectrum Disorders.Hee-June Park - 2020 - Cogito 91:27-49.
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    The Symbol Gives Rise to Thought: Writings on Art by Marina Warner.Vivian Rehberg - 2012 - Violette Editions. Edited by Marina Warner.
    This collection brings together a selection of writings on art by the internationally acclaimed novelist, historian and critic Marina Warner. For 30 years Warner has published widely on a range of art-world subjects and objects, from contemporary installation and film works to paintings by Flemish and Italian Renaissance masters, through Victorian photography and twentieth-century political drawings and prints. Warner's extraordinary curiosity in art and culture is conveyed in writing that is at once poetic and playful, elegant and rigorous, training our (...)
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    Poincaré’s Critiques on Classical Mechanics.Jee Sun Rhee - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 43:165-170.
    In this article, I firstly show that, following Poincaré, it turns out that the very foundation of classical mechanics implicates that all just can’t be explained. Next, I discuss principles of mechanics as they are viewed by Poincaré. This will reveal the particularity of the principle of relativity in its form of “pseudo-universal” argument.
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    Poincaré’s Discussion on Mechanism and Principle of Relativity.Jee Sun Rhee - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 43:179-184.
    Mechanism is a conception of the world according to which all can be explained by mechanics expressed by its fundamental concepts and principles. I’ll firstly show that, following Poincaré’s discussion on mechanical explanation, the very foundation of classical mechanics implicates that all can’t be explained. Next, I’lldiscuss the principles of mechanics as they are viewed by Poincaré, especially the principle of relativity. I’ll show that this principle has a particular feature by its form of “pseudo-universal” argument, as well as by (...)
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  46. Ensino profissionalizante feminino-história da primeira escola pública profissionalizante mista em Sorocaba: escola profissional" Coronel Fernandes Prestes".Viviane Marques Rocha Seabra - 2003 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 5 (2):p - 193.
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    Optimizing climate change communication: Context Comparison Model method.Viviane Seyranian, Doug Lombardi, Gale M. Sinatra & William D. Crano - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The Context Comparison Model provides a promising avenue to guide persuasive communication development by highlighting the features of the communication context that require consideration, including source, target, and task variables. The model was tested in a study of global climate change. American participants read a text outlining scientific evidence for global climate change and a policy proposal to mitigate future climate change. Prior to reading the text, participants’ completed measures of their political affiliation to render their group memberships salient. They (...)
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    A Research for Development of Unification Education in the University – A Study Based on University Students’ Awareness of Unification Education.Hee Sun Shin - 2015 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (103):327-357.
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    A Study about the Possibility of Personality Education through the Reading and Discussion Class on the Humanities.Hee Sun Shin - 2013 - Journal of Ethics: The Korean Association of Ethics 1 (90):313-351.
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    Introduction.Martine Nida‐rümelin Vivian Mizrahi - 2006 - Dialectica 60 (3):209-222.
    I propose a description of one aspect of the philosophical problem about the ontology of colors by formulating and motivating six plausible premises that seem to be hard to deny in isolation but that are jointly incoherent. I briefly sketch a solution and comment on the views presented in this volume from the perspective of the puzzle.
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